Code of Ethics
Armenian Gampr Club of Canada
All members of the AGCC, as representatives of the club and the Gampr breed, are expected to adhere to the following Code of Ethics. The Code of Ethics exists for the well-being and protection of our breed and the preservation of its future in Canada. Violations of this Code of Ethics can result in member suspension or expulsion.

Member Agreement

Section 1
All Members
Section 2
All AGCC members shall:
Abide by these AGCC Code of Ethics
Not knowingly falsify any papers or documents, such as health records, registration, or pedigree information for any dog.
Maintain reasonable and responsible standards of canine health, hygiene, feeding, care, and training.
Not sell, give, trade, or surrender any Gampr to a commercial facility, lab, pet shop, or animal shelter.
Not misrepresent owned dogs to anyone, either by temperament, working ability, or soundness.
Not support dog fighting in any way, either by purchasing dogs from known dog fighters, selling to a possible dog fighter, or by using a Gampr for dog fighting.
Not spread false information regarding the Gampr breed, the AGCC, or any of the AGCC’s members. Any disputes between club members must be handled in a civil manner.
All AGCC Member Breeders, whether being the bitch or stud owner shall also:
Only breed Gamprs that conform to the Breed Description. In certain cases of genetic diversity preservation, minor faults may be acceptable, but this should be discussed with an AGCC board member, and the attempt should be made to pair the dog with one that will positively balance that fault.
Conduct all business dealings related to the breeding or the placement of puppies or dogs with honesty, completeness, and clarity, and advertise honestly in a manner that is in no way misleading or fraudulent.
Adhere to the Breeder Guidelines (Section 3 below) to the best of their ability.
Not intentionally breed a dog prior to 24 months of age.
Strive to keep the Armenian Gampr lines pure by never intentionally out-crossing to other breeds or to unapproved dogs from unknown lineages.
Not overbreed any specific dog or pairing, and seek to expand genetic diversity in their breeding program as much as possible.
Place puppies in their future homes with the utmost care. Provide proper education on the breed prior to placement and be available as a mentor to puppy owners for the life of each dog produced.
Section 2
Section 3
Breeder Guidelines
8. Assume lifelong responsibility for every puppy produced, including taking back possession of any dog that is not working out in their new home, or personally rehoming the dog in a new suitable placement.
9. Replace or refund any puppy that was sold as sound, but later found to have a major genetic fault.
10. Notify the AGCC of each litter produced and encourage puppy owners to record their Gamprs with the AGCC. ​
The following guidelines are not requirements for registration or membership, but are strongly encouraged to maintain the health of the Gampr population in Canada:
Embark DNA test all Gamprs prior to breeding. Submit results for GM2, DM, COI%, and Breed results to AGCC to be added to the registry database.
OFA test all Gamprs for hip and elbow dysplasia prior to breeding.
Should any Embark or OFA results be problematic, discuss with an AGCC board member whether proceeding with breeding is still advised and if so, seek the best possible pairing in order to mitigate the issue.
Seek to improve genetic diversity and maintain the natural variety in the Gampr landrace by generally pairing opposites. A large Gampr should ideally be paired with a smaller Gampr, long coat to short coat, long tail to natural bobtail, etc. This also applies to temperament. A very dominant dog would be well-paired with a softer dog to achieve a litter with a range of sharpness.